Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A New Type of Marketing

As the internet offers new ways to reach consumers beyond rhetorical informative or emotional conceptual advertisements consumers become more engaged and thus generally more responsive to the persuasive messages. Previously to this hybridization of messages, advertisements appealed to consumers in a way that set their role in the process of marketing as spectators, now they can explore and interact with the marketing that they so choose. In a case regarding the participation of consumers in an advertising producer role, Chevy has used an ad campaign to encourage a new era of consumer involvement. In an article titled “Commercial Break,” Frank Rose encompasses the campaign as a great revolution in advertising. Not only does this type of involvement allow for consumers to create authentic advertising and express their ideas in the marketing process, but it also allows for negative feedback from users to the marketer. This two-way street of marketing can damage the position of Chevy and other companies that use this tactic, this was obviously addressed by Chevy before they released the idea into the Internet world. In analysis of this, Rose explains that this tactic, either way, is beneficial for Chevy, as viewing consumers understand that Chevy makes themselves vulnerable to this type of attack, which modestly makes them more approachable as a brand, and in the end is a positive image.


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